Community Benefits

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Benefits to the community

  1. The scheme would provide significant inward investment to the tourism sector at a time when other hotels and tourism accommodation are being lost.
  2. The operation of the Hotel would support local businesses and create spending in the local economy.
  3. The creation of a bespoke tourism facility offering a unique experience can only be good for destination Jersey. The owners intend to draw upon their existing customer base within their related Art activities and Restaurant investment on the mainland.
  4. The arts and cultural focus of the Hotel would support these sectors of the island.
  5. Local landscape and historic building assets are rescued, restored, refurbished and reused. Notably, the listed Villa and its associated Gate House, together with the currently unlisted Cart Barn will be haloed, restored and recognised alongside other important Island Heritage assets.
  6. Heritage gardens associated with the original Villa building are restored.
  7. The access strategy is predicated on a low vehicle use to support the site’s sustainable location.
  8. Ambitious design to maximise energy efficiency. 
  9. New water meadow to act as additional water catchment and ecological area and as a buffer to the existing Millbrook watercourse flows.